The seller has a 'minimum lot price' set up in his/her store. This means that every lot you purchase from them has to meet that minimum price.
For example... Seller has a minimum lot price of 50p. Seller is selling Brick A for 5p each. You would have to order 10 x Brick A in order to meet the minimum lot price.
If you are ordering 10 different parts (lots) from the seller, each one of those parts (lots) needs to meet the minimum.
This means that every lot you purchase from them has to meet that minimum price.
For example...
Seller has a minimum lot price of 50p.
Seller is selling Brick A for 5p each.
You would have to order 10 x Brick A in order to meet the minimum lot price.
If you are ordering 10 different parts (lots) from the seller, each one of those parts (lots) needs to meet the minimum.