Sorry once again I need help

Hi everyone not posted for a while hope everyone is well and safe. Need help finding these four Tiles. As always your help is so much appreciated. Many thanks Neil


  • 17 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • edited May 2022 Vote Up0Vote Down
    The top three tiles come from the Ninjago set 71710 (see attached image). The bottom one is from the Speed Champions set 75888. None of these are in the catalog yet.
  • Sounds like a great points opportunity to create the new items!! :-)
  • @ Pikka thanks for your help. And that will explain why I can’t find them. Every time I have tried to get something into the catalog it has been rejected.
  • Neil, the notices usually say why they were rejected (I had my share of those early on too, don't feel bad! <s>). Does your entry follow "standards" for how similar items are titled? BO leans hard on SHORTER decoration names here, since the name appends to the part description (e.g., LEGO Black Brick 2 x 2 with Balloon Sticker

    LEGO Black Brick 2 x 2

    with (if decorated or stickered)

    Your Appending to the Description:


    You could have done "with Red, White, and Black Checkerboard Balloon" sticker, but that would almost certainly be rejected. It's too long.... the trick is to keep the name brief, then when approved, you can get MORE points by adding tags: checkerboard, red, white, black, checkers. The tags are as important in the search engine as the title. :-)

    I used to have a ton of rejections until I was educated in the benefit of brevity in part names. :-)

    Also, are you creating a stickered part USING THE ACTIONS tab from the unstickered part? If you just hit "add new item", it will probably be rejected. You need to start at the base part (a 2 x 2 brick in my example above), then use the Actions tab to create a new stickered or decorated part submission.

    If the part's counterpart is in another system (e.g., BL, brickset, peeron), are you providing the alternate part IDs? I doubt you'd ever be rejected for not having it, but it's super helpful.

    ---> Are you filling in the note about HOW you got the info? Each field in the form has instructions for what each field means. While I frankly never have the LEGO ID (since I mostly add stickered items, which do not have LEGO IDs), those notes are all useful (and key, at times) for getting approval.

    Don't forget, admin has to validate the part is accurate, not already in the catalog, is legit LEGO, etc., and these are all elements that can facilitate that. The catalog affects every store in the system, so they show due diligence in maintaining it. :-)

    Also - and I think this is important - I always put in the note what SET NUMBER the stickered part comes from, which is a huge help to admin - they can validate it pretty easily by looking at a set image or the sticker sheet for the set and part inventory. They even then link that part to the set's inventory as an alternate part frequently, which improves the odds of you and others selling the item, too. :-)

    Also, if you are doing an image at the same time (which I encourage!), is it a plain white background (or you can use a background stripping program, like Background Burner Bonanza)? Is the part centered and all of the part is showing, maximized in the image size? Is it a clean shot (not blurry, etc.)? If it's stickered, is the sticker aspect clearly showing? If it's two-sided with diff stickers, are there two images (one primary, one alternate to show the other side)?

    These are all things that maximize success, acceptance, and points in my experience here over time! :-)
  • Also this is how I find the ID of parts that are stickered and I'm not easily finding in the catalog:

    Find the base (unstickered) part in BO.
    Go to the decorated or stickered tab and browser through what's already there - you eye can scan reasonably quick since most of the time you're looking for a specific color.

    If that doesn't work... and this is painful if it's a popular part, but it does work...
    Find the base (unstickered) part in BO.
    View what sets that COLOR of part comes in.
    It might be obvious right there about which sets to peek at... for example, something with an Imperial logo comes from the one of the Star Wars sets listed, in all likelihood.
    Look at the sticker sheet images for those sets that unstickered part comes in.
    You should find the sticker you're holding as part of one of those sheets 99% of the time.
    Much newer sets may be an exception if it's so new, no one has added the parts to the catalog yet (whch sounds like happened to you here) or if it's a rarer older set. :-)

    Repeat option B, but at an alternative site.
    Really, the goal is to figure out which SET the items are in... then you can come here and see if any of that is listed for that set yet or not.
  • @ Calibrick thanks for all that information. I will try tomorrow and see what happens. As I said before you are full of great knowledge and very helpful and I am very grateful for your time and help. Will look on bl and see if they are they.
  • Aww you are so sweet, thank you for the kind words, Neil! I like to share lessons learned from my early days here in 2018 so others can have an easier path... just like when I started, people like Jay37, Firestar, Hoddie, this site's admin, and too many others to list made MY path and startup easier! :-)
  • Once again rejected. Sent to the page that I filled in to start with. Just not going to bother trying anymore.
  • What's the reason for the rejection? Maybe if we knew that we can advise on what can be done to ensure acceptance.
  • edited May 2022 Vote Up0Vote Down
    I've just submitted one of these stickered tiles (Porsche) so let's see if I'll be more lucky than @Neiljones :)
  • @Pikka
    Reason: This would need to be created inline with the insutrctions here
    That what they said
  • Did you start from the plain, undecorated tile and use the Edit tab, then the Actions option to create the stickered or decorated part, @Neiljones?
  • Yes that’s where I started. Just does not make any sense. But I don’t know all the information that they ask.
  • When I've done one the only information required is set number (which can I admit be a bit of a faff to track down), colour, quantity in set, description (as @Calibrick says, short and sweet) 'further info' (I usually write "Part in hand", or occasionally the sticker number from the sheet or where it appears in the model if I feel that clarifies things). A picture is handy but not essential, as are BLID numbers.

    It may take a while to get your head around what info is required and it may take time to acquire it, but trust me the method in place now is a much improved one from before as everything can be done in one go.
  • edited May 2022 Vote Up0Vote Down
    @Neiljones My submission has been approved! You can add the Porsche tile to your store inventory now.
  • Neil, you could reach out to the Contact Us link, below, and ask for a bit of clarification on how you could improve your future submittals? That way you're not trying to guess at what is off and don't get frustrated. :-)
  • Thanks pikka. And thanks to everyone that has helped it is so much appreciated.
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