Hello. Was wondering if someone could help me please? My sister has handed my a box of Lego - it's a mix old (1970s bricks) that were mine and something she bought from eBay. This hasn't turned out to be the equivalent of buying a house and finding a Van Gogh in the attic. Attached is a photo of a mini-figure torso. Any idea what set it comes from please? Thanks!
Then again, it may be that the image's white balance is off. Could you confirm that the torso is Medium Blue?
The torso looks something in between these two, but it may be due to a wrong white balance setting.
But maybe that is because my eyes and brain are expecting that
And in that case it's the https://www.brickowl.com/catalog/lego-rattla-torso-76382-88585 (as Pikka said) with wrong arms.
But only the holder of the torso can tell which color it really is
This could be a fun challenge. Someone takes a bunch of pictures of different lego parts in bad lighting, and everyone has to guess what color they are.