New store please support

Hi I made a Brickowl store and I am looking for some support to help me out and so I am eventually able to expand thanks a lot



  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Not sure exactly what kind of support you're looking for, but I too would welcome some type of tutorial to help new sellers set up their stores properly, especially when it comes to setting up the shipping bands, etc.
  • I'm always willing to help others sort out the mysteries of setting up shipping bands - the shared ones make life MUCH easier, by the way. :-) Anyone who has specific questions or just in general is looking for shipping band setup help is more than welcome to message me via BO - others here helped me a LOT when I stood up in 2018, so I always love to pay it forward!

    There are also some really good threads on here on how to decide to set up your bands, as you should accommodate packing weight, et al.

  • hi, do you have any questions setting up your store? or any other questions ? you can always sent me an PM or post your question here in the thread.
  • Thank You everyone I appreciate all the helpful tips i will keep those in mind. I have been looking for support in the form of positive feedback. Once again thanks
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