Outstanding Quotes

I have noticed several stores often have outstanding quotes, sometimes going back a while. There has previously been a request for the ability to "reject quotes". I would like to get people's opinions on why you would want to reject, or why you would not respond to a quote?


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • A couple of times for me (fixed it by entering a random quote and telling the customer to ignore it) it has been because the customer first asked for a quote, and then placed the order through my store (ignoring the outstanding quote).

    Another time it was because a customer placed the quote asking if his shipment had been made, and if he could add it to the package.

    Another one it was a 41 part - 40 lot - 3 eur order (or something like that).

    More reasons could be because the part/set in your inventory is not in your stock, or because you choose not to provide service to X member. Same as we can cancel orders we should be able to cancel quotes.
  • edited February 2014 Vote Up0Vote Down
    Okay, interesting. My main concern is the "upset" caused by receiving any mail along the lines of "your quote has been rejected". It would be worsened if it had a reason like "You ordered a lot of lots for not much money". I'm not really sure how to deal with the situation without offending the customer.

    In a few cases you mentioned there, it might be more appropriate just to "silently" cancel the quote. But then the store has to choose whether to cancel or reject a quote. Hmm.
  • I mean, if a person is going to cancel a quote because it has too many lots, he probably is going to cancel the order too if the person places it... so what's the difference there?

    But that is (my guess) a minority.

    For the other issues it's somewhat necessary to cancel them... aren't they taken from your inventory in the meantime?
  • Quotes are just a quote, they don't reserve items.
  • How about an option to simply cancel a quote request, rather than reject it? I realise this is semantics but cancel sounds better than reject in my opinion. Present an optional text field for the store owner to complete.

    If the store owner completed the optional 'reason' field:

    "ABC Lego have cancelled the quote request that you raised on xx/xx/xxxx. The reason provided is:

    ## begin

    ## end

    Please contact the store directly if you need further clarification."

    If they didn't:

    "ABC Lego have cancelled the quote request that you raised on xx/xx/xxxx. There could be several reasons for this and usually happens only with your agreement. Please contact the store directly if you need further clarification."

    It might be worthwhile giving store owners the possibility to add lot restrictions in addition to a minimum order value?
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