Screen to correspond with picking list

Good evening everyone.
Really hope someone is going to help me with a problem I have.
I have received a large order, I printed a picking list started, then had to leave it as I had to go to work. When I tried to resume picking my screen is not corresponding with the picking list at all. I pick from my screen as I find it easier and tick off on the [icking list as I find it easier.

So my question is firstly why has the order changed and how do I return it to correspond.
I hope I have explained myself
Please help else this order of almost 2000 parts is going to take me days.


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I suspect you've changed the sort order... which can be done by clicking on the column names on the picking list screen (a small black triangle at the end of the column name shows you the sort order).

    There's also a drop down box for changing the order of the description column.
    See pic, probably easier :)

    ps Don't think I've ever changed mine, so the attached pic should be the default.
  • @beaverbrick thank you for your reply. I have changes it to what you suggested but its still not in the same order :/
    Looks like I am going to have to start again - what a job. I am so worried now that after reprinting everything - if I leave it the same thing will happen. Do you know how I can prevent this from happening again please???
  • @WESTIEKATH Are you able to upload a picture of a page of your printed picking list? We could then try work out what order it is in.
  • Whatever sort we do nothing change anymore. please find a solution .
  • In both of those images it looks like you're sorting only by item condition (notice the blue arrow).

    Try the following:

    1. Select the option that seems most appropriate from the drop down menu and wait for the page to re-load.
    2. Click the 'condition' header
    3. While holding the shift key, click in the gap between the drop down menu and that columns arrows

    This should now list everything by condition type first, then whatever you chose in the drop down menu second.

    Changing the drop-down menu without including that column in your sort can have strange consequences.
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