Good morning, this morning I found a problem with an order sent on August 15 to Brazil, and that is that I have been raised to a dispute by PayPal, because according to the buyer, it was not the one who made the purchase. The order in question was around € 100 and I precisely had to inform him of a two-piece failure and he answered me, with which there were some messages prior to the shipment, now he tells me that it was not he who made the order and he hn withheld funds.
Do you know if this type of dispute usually wins it in the buyer? I have provided the tracking number of the order in paypal.
Greetings and thanks in advance.
Is there any way to block this buyer?
I totally understand the stress on this - but try not to (easy to say rather than do, I know). The reality is we're all subject to this as the cost of doing business - but SUPER fortunately, this is rare on BO. Stay well!!!