Today I got an email from Paypal :
"A discrepancy has been identified for a shipping label on your account and additional postage is due at this time. The information entered during label creation didn’t match the information captured by our shipping partner USPS during the shipping process.
You won’t be able to print any more shipping labels using PayPal until the underpaid postage has been repaid."
I checked the order, it was a single "Beam Frame 5 x 11 (64178)". I selected 4oz like I always do. I checked the details of the adjustment and I see
Recorded weight 0.25lb
Actual weight 0.86lb
This feel like extorsion, they are asking me $2.21, there must have been another package with least it will still a first class weight...
Fighting it would be probably be useless and I can't really wait for the problem to be fixed to print another label...
If a package is has "Underpaid Postage" but not by printed paypal, USPS will not deliver the package until the recipient pays the adjustment which is worst for a seller's perspective.
@Emporiosa , I had one adjustment by UPS and they were right, now I know that a 20x16x4 box is really 20x16x5. I actually have to add a 1" height to all my box sizes when calculating shipping.
Eventually, though, they'll go back through their records (USPS photographs every package that goes through their distribution centers, so I've been told), and if they're at fault, you'll get an e-mail that says the difference has been credited back to your PayPal account. You'll get a message from PayPal, too, saying your account was credited.
DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME GOING THROUGH PAYPAL to resolve this!! They'll direct you to USPS.
Hope that helps!