Lot limit

So I have a buyer looking to place an order and evidentially there is a lot limit in place on the site of 1,000 lots (the buyer wants to get 1100 lots). Anyway for the buyer to get past this or do they need to place 2 separate orders?


  • 11 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • They would need to place two separate orders. This protection is mainly in place to protect the system from performance issues.
  • @Lawrence - that's what I figured. Thank you for the quick response!
  • @Lawrence - from what the user said, it sounded like they were able to put more than 1,000 lots in their cart but once they tried purchasing it told them that was too much. So now they have to remove some items, then re-add them to the cart after purchasing the others. Perhaps the site should prohibit buyers from putting 1,000+ lots in their carts in the first place?
  • For a better user experience, that seems the logical way to go
  • @firestar246 I'm just curious.. how long does it take to process 1100 lots? I have no experience with that kind of large orders..
  • I've never done an order that large, but I can do about 20 lots in 10 minutes, so that would take a little over 9 hours to get it done.
  • edited June 2021 Vote Up0Vote Down
    @patpendlego Processing time depends on a lot size as well. Three lots containing ten items each take more time to process than a single lot containing thirty items. I alone can easily process 4 smaller lots per minute and then spend quite some time counting 300 small Technic pins. Sometimes I realize I misplaced a part and a search ensues. Tick tock, tick tock... After a few hours I get hungry and go to lunch. Factor in a few important phone calls and emails. So, if it were me blessed with such a huge order, I'd set aside 11-12 hours. A thousand lots may hide quite a few little surprises. We are only humans, so I'd take my time. :)
  • @Pikka Exactly. The 9 hours estimate I gave would be if I could do it non-stop without any interruptions, which would be basically impossible. If I come across any missing/misplaced pieces or if there are any higher quantities, it will take longer.
  • The buyer is currently at 1400 lots; my previous largest order was a little over 700.
  • I have now updated the system, so it will prevent you from adding more than 1000 lots to your cart. rather than waiting until you get to checkout.
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