GB & Excluding UK

Not sure if this is a little bug...

Pic1 - Was looking through a list of UK sellers for a part, when I noticed one of the sellers on the list had 'Does not ship to GB' under their store name. Opened the store and it says that it does ship to the UK... also, delivery page states ships worldwide. I just can't find any reference to GB anywhere in shipping settings, only UK.

Pic2 - so when I was looking through my own shipping settings searching for GB, I noticed that a lot of the regions have 'Excluding United Kingdom' in their names. Seems odd to state 'Excl. UK' for South America or Africa for instance.


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Those region options are automatic to help with setting up shipping methods. The seller identified likely has an error in their shipping methods.
  • OK, thanks Lawrence
  • I had this before - it was because the seller didn't have a shipping method to my country that could accommodate the item. I don't remember but they presumably didn't have the "request a quote" catch-all active either.
  • That's what I found weird.... in the store it has the green banner stating it 'Ships to UK' and I can add the part to my cart and it gives me a shipping option at checkout. The other weird thing is that it says GB (as opposed to UK). I can't find anything in my own settings that refers to GB.
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