Just a question about Amelia Earhart who I have listed on BL. Just noticed that it does not show on my Brickowl store. I only noticed this as it comes up on the home page as one of the most popular searches. I know there's a lot of items (over 500 lots) missing on my store here but not too sure why this particular fig is missing. Can anyone shed any light? I'd love to get more of my items showing here.
You need to go here: https://www.brickowl.com/catalog/lego-amelia-earhart-aviation-pioneer-minifigure
Edit tab, then ID Numbers, select BL ID and put gen152 (in this case) and click Submit for Approval.
Then after a day or so in BS put the command: owlresolve
This will give you a list of all the parts in your BL inventory that can not map across to BO.
Then, as Stellar says above, you need to add the BLID's to the relevant part in BO.
You'll probably come across a few parts that don't exist on BO (quite often stickered parts), which you can add to the catalog.