Slight bug with coupon list.

So when I organize the coupons my store has sent out by amount Redeemed/Limit from high to low, it organizes it by the value of the first digit, not the entire number. So it goes 4, 3, 20, 2, 10, 1 instead of 20, 10, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Just thought @Lawrence might want to be aware of this issue. :smile:


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • this is a very common "issue" with computers , i deal with it every day when organizing files (windows does it too :D). it will always look at the numerical value of the first digit and sort by that value, not the overall number.
    the best way to sort it for me is to have all single digits start with "0", so that all numbers entered are 2 digits long.
    no idea if it would be worth the effort to change though.
  • Yes, I know. It does drive me a bit crazy when trying to organize stuff on Windows. :)

    But as other areas of the site are organized correctly (such as the info in analytics tab), I'm sure it shouldn't be too hard of a fix.
  • Thank you for reporting that, that has now been fixed
  • Awesome! Thank you once again for the amazing service!
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