Option for Default Price to be based on Location please

I know this has been discussed before but I can't find it so I'm starting it again.

I would like the option please to specify a location that would be used with the Default Price setting to determine the price of new lots.

My target market is the UK so the price anywhere else in the world isn't a consideration to me. Also the effect on the default price of including those other locations isn't consistent, some prices may be set much lower than expected and some may be much higher so there isn't an easy way to compensate (that I know of).


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • IMO more important would be a 'cleaned' default price, i.e. without considering the highest and the lowest price. I recently noticed that there's one seller (always the same) who asks 100 times the average price of all other sellers worldwide. Makes listing very time-consuming as it's necessary to check every part manually before setting the price. And with all sellers who set their price by default, the price list is screwed in a long run. And not taking the lowest price into consideration also makes sense as this can be an item with described defects.
  • Is the one asking 100 times average the one 'screwing' the average pricing, or are the ones under the average doing that? You could argue that the ones under the average are causing prices to drop over time as the average is set lower and lower every time someone lists an item just on or under average.
    And even without the highest and lowest price, what if there are another very high and low. And even without those there still will be a listing higher than average and same for lower. If you continue this you get to the average, exactly what it is now :)

    And then you have items that were rare in the past but now are very common (think about the sand green items that are in de police station set, a lot of sellers will have the items from the statue of liberty set and set pricing higher than than the average is now), what should the average be for that, since it will be higher than recent listings will show.

    So 'just' eliminating the 1 highest en 1 lowest isn't a good option, there is much more to consider.
    I think a better starting point would be with the average sold, as that are prices that people are really willing to pay for an item. Don't be surprised though that even there you will find the 100 times prices seller, beacause he does sell :)
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