How do you handle cancellations?

Hi guys,

how do you handle cancellations?
I do not mind them in general as things happen and people change their minds, all is fair and good.
But I had not set a minimum order amount, so I had an order for 40 Cents or so, also nice, no complaints, and then a cancellation.
Now the person has already paid which means if I would refund him via PayPal I would be stuck with the fees (thanks PayPal).
You can argue, it is the cost of doing business, I could have set a higher minimum order amount etc., but I wanted to know how seasoned sellers handle this.



  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We don't have a choice in the EU, we have to cancel at the consumer's request (unless the seller is also a consumer). But yeah, PayPal sucks.
  • I understand that I have to cancel and I have no problem with that. I am just not happy with PayPal fees, that's why it is in the T&C.
  • I've learned that cosmically, it all comes out in the wash... while you will lose the fee here, you'll certainly make it up on other orders or in aggregate, so to be honest I just don't worry about it and cheerfully roll with "the customer is always right." (US seller here)
  • Thankfully it's only happened a couple of times for me, small orders from repeat customers. I think in both cases the customer was ahead of me picking the parts so no effort wasted on my part. I agree with @Calibrick in that it's a tolerable annoyance in the whole scheme of things (but equally might be more irked if it was a big order!)
  • Sadly Stripe is going the same way. Just greed at the end of the day, they move from a service provider to a "we're doing you a favour" provider.
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