Import Question

I already have some of my inventory set up. I have been working on a updated list in Brickstore. If i import my brickstore file will that "overwrite" my current inventory? or add the brickstone file to what i already have?

Like if my current BO inventory say i have 5 3001. And my brickstore says i have 10.. i need it to show 10 not 15.


  • 7 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • you want Import/Update .bsx
  • Been doing a few tests on it. I set it to use the old ID but its still deleting the old part and adding it over again with the new inventory which deletes the id history. Anyone else getting this or im still doing it wrong?
  • I also tried the Import/Update .bsx options and get the following error.

    Invalid lot id for row 0
  • got it working i think. just had to play with the setting... for a bit more lol.
  • Can we not import to brickstore?
  • I hate to ask so many questions but i have now moved to Brickowl and left BL totally. I have another question for importing though.

    Got all my inventory uploaded and going good. But i need a way to update it. For a few reason till BO gets a nice desktop app to handle your inventory im going to have to use Brickstore.

    I have 8445 items in bricktstore and BO. So to update it can i do this....

    Change the quantity of all 8445 items in brickstore to "0". The the new items that i get either add them or change the "0" to the number i ave just received.

    Using the import feature "Add Quantity from file to Existing Quantity"

    All items on "0" will not change the BO numbers, and the number on brickstone will be added to BO.

    is this how this works?

    Example incase i totally didn't explain that right.

    Say i have the following BO items

    3001 = 25
    3002 = 50

    In brickstore i have those items set to '0"

    Say i get a shipment of "10" 3001 in and no 3002s.

    So after updating brickstore it looks like...

    3001 = 10
    3002 = 0

    After i import this using "Add Quantity from file to Existing Quantity" the new BP inventory will be...

    3001 = 35
    3002 = 50
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