So I have an order, which the customer paid VAT and I will then have to pay to BrickOwl, understood. My question is how do I indicate that the order has already paid VAT? Or is it generally understood that it has to have been paid when the order is placed?
I ship with PayPal, which I believe the USPS form is a CN22, but there is no mention of taxes paid or VAT numbers to use. I did just notice on the form to fill out customs information there are some fields I can use, should the BrickOwl VAT number go in there?
Sorry for all the questions I just want to make sure this is correct when I get this order ready to ship tonight.
Now it looks like shipping was somehow charged incorrectly too, this is a nightmare. Might be time to drop shipping to the UK.
Items: $10.04
Shipping $17.25
is VAT with shipping or not? I assume it has to be.
VAT should be $5.46
Total should be $32.75 right?
10.04+20.70=30.74 which is correct in the scrrenshot
Ok, with my head now wrapped around these number and understanding the totals make sense now, what needs to be placed on the customs form to indicate this VAT has been paid?
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