Order not marked as payment received

The latest orders I have received have been paid by paypal but the orders have not been automatically marked as payment received like they usually do but have remained in pending status. I have not made any changes to my Brick Owl setting or my the paypal setting and the payment were all for the correct amount and payment notification was received at the same time as the order notification so everything looks fine except for the status not being modified.



  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Same here - orders not getting PayPal data tonight
  • I saw this a few hours ago and have emailed Admin about it. Probably get fixed after he wakes up with his cup of Joe.

  • Same happened, emailed admin before reading here.
  • Copied from site updates so everyone will see it on their store page

    "Between approximately 9 PM and 9 AM GMT this morning, orders pay via PayPal were not automatically marked as paid. The issue that caused this has now been fixed, many of these will automatically get marked as payment received over the next 12 hours or so. You may want to manually check for payment. I apologise for the inconvenience."
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