Other members have suggested that BO automatically send members a reminder if feedback has not been left by them for one of their orders. Some have opposed this as spam. So let me add a few tweaks to this suggestion that will remove the concern about spam.
First, this should be an OPTION for each member to decide on their own. The default setting should be ON, and each member can opt out if they wish. Buyers can opt out if they don't wish to receive such reminders and sellers can opt out if they don't want to send such reminders. In fact, the feedback reminder notice should include a link where the buyer can opt out of receiving such reminders in the future.
This is how most websites handle such things. When you join, register or become a member, you get on their mailing list. To get off their mailing list, all you usually have to do is click an opt-out link provided in one of those mailings.
I think this would help increase the number of orders for which feedback is left.
It is NOT the same suggestion. Your suggestion called for posting automatic feedback and suspending buyers who don't leave feedback. Both of which I and many others found extreme and absurd. My suggestion merely calls for an optional reminder notice to those who have not left feedback after a certain time. This is nowhere near an admission that the feedback system is broken or needs the extreme drastic changes you suggested. My suggestion does not change or fix anything. But it may help more people use the existing system.
Seriously, you need to chill dude. Just because I opposed your suggestion is no reason for you to hold a chip on your shoulder and automatically oppose mine. THINK instead of emote.
No auto-spamming, it should be opt-in on the seller's side.
And in general, I don't think there's a problem that needs solving in the first place.
This site isn't like some other sites. It's new, it's different. Why repeat the same themes as elsewhere?
BTW, I made this suggestion for the benefit of newer members. I already have more than 8000 feedback. This suggestion won't make much difference to me. I'm just trying to help others.
But that's not my point. There's no NEED for feedback, it's a vestigial feature.
On another site, zero-feedback members routinely scam experienced members out of thousands of dollars each month. So clearly, feedback is not a factor people use to discriminate among stores there. People here want feedback points, but nobody can explain why. It's not a way to get traffic; people shop based on what you have listed and the prices you are asking.
BrickOwl is different. Let's get away from the petty useless concerns of the past.
Karma points could be gained based on orders received (by the seller), orders marked as received by buyers (giving points to buyers & sellers to encourage marking orders as received), feedback given (both parties), contributions to the catalog.
IE Show all the good things you have done (and bad) on one place, not just feedback received as a counter.
Adding to this, badges could also be implemented... it would make some tasks 'slightly' more enjoyable knowing that you get a 'reward'. - People like numbers!