Not an tech issue but - orders download details

For the orders places there is a download feature. The columns included are only partially useful - what good is it for me to know just shipping cost if I don't also know the order cost (or total order cost)? It would also be helpful to know the lot count & parts counts. I know this stuff is available in the specific orders but I don't want to click onto over 600 orders, click on a separate download link, and stitch together that many files into a single sheet. It would be nice to be able to choose what fields are returned when downloading orders. Or even a mass-download option - literally one big dump that includes: orderid, item, qty, price, etc.


  • 8 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Never mind about the line-items I see that's one of the drop-down options for downloading... BUT... useful info is still missing, like price paid (base price doesn't tell me what the sale price was nor any coupon-applied price) and having the LEGO ID's (part ID & design ID for color). What is offered is "nice" for info-sake but of little practical value for analysis.
  • edited February 2021 Vote Up0Vote Down
    Don't know about anyone else but I've always found the order download feature quite comprehensive, all the info I need for my own analysis is there, and anything else I need I can extrapolate from the info given.

    What *is* missing is a download for orders *placed* (unless I just can't find it), that would be most helpful.
  • The order item info download actually is critical for US sellers, as it provides the information needed to calculate your taxes owed for your business (as we can only deduct our costs for items that actually sold vs. what we bought for stock). The orders download is also critical for calculating pretty much everything for tax and analysis purposes. I too find both comprehensive for my own purposes - tho then again, most of what I used to analyze is now right here in BO analysis screens (e.g., sold by color, type, etc.). The only thing I really need to analyze offline these days is (1) customers (most orders placed by) and (2) orders by state (needed to track if I hit that magical 100 or 200 sales for some of these inconsistent state tax collection laws).

    There are two separate downloads - Captain.M, the "orders" download is a list of all orders placed. Then there is a sep download you can select called "order items" which actually lists every single item sold for every order from the orders download.
  • Hi @Calibrick, good to hear from you (I always like reading your forum posts). Yeah I think maybe I didn't explain myself properly. I'm looking for a download of orders that I have placed in other people's stores. I use the download feature to get orders received in my store on a monthly basis, but I haven't come across a similar option for "Orders Placed" (as opposed to "Orders Received"). I think it would be very helpful for getting the list of parts I have ordered into Brickstock for adding to my own personal inventory, especially since BrickOwl's wanted list doesn't include a 'have' qty along with the 'wanted' qty (as on BL).
    Maybe the option does exist and I just can't find it.
  • @Captain.M this was implemented a few days ago
  • @Lawrence that is awesome, thank you for providing something I've been wanting without me even asking (and shame on me for not checking first before wading in on other people's forum posts).
    This place rocks! 😃 👍
  • edited February 2021 Vote Up0Vote Down
    I'm talking about orders placed (for a buyer), not orders sold (for a store). Although I often buy bulk LEGO and sort (and sometimes buy official LEGO sets or do the pick-a-brick wall) it's often a crapshoot and the bricks I need that are more specific are bought here. So it would help me to know quickly which stores I have bought what items at what volume & price, so that whenever I do my rounds of accumulation of needed bricks the stores don't end up being a mish-mash where my overall cost is more than it would need to be. I know I can somewhat do it with wishlists but trying to do that here in an organized way without prior analysis is pretty sloppy. Good feature but only works on some occasions and doesn't work well unless all my carts are clear and everything I need is 100% in a wishlist. So... all I really need is a way to download all details of all orders, so that the CSV includes in one shot at least: orderid, storeid, store name, order date, part id, design id (part + color), part name, image link (specific to the color), quantity, base price, coupon/sale/final price, shipping cost (this can be duplicated per row, I can de-dupe this), tax (if any - again, I can de-dupe this if needed). If shipping & tax seem too redundant to include in every row then separately downloading per-order details are fine - so other than orderid per line for every lot purchase, downloading a separate CSV for order-specific details would be fine and I can pivot the data together.
  • Thanks for the thoughtful words, Captain.m! Glad to see Lawrence had read your mind or had been inspired by your post! :-)
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