For the orders places there is a download feature. The columns included are only partially useful - what good is it for me to know just shipping cost if I don't also know the order cost (or total order cost)? It would also be helpful to know the lot count & parts counts. I know this stuff is available in the specific orders but I don't want to click onto over 600 orders, click on a separate download link, and stitch together that many files into a single sheet. It would be nice to be able to choose what fields are returned when downloading orders. Or even a mass-download option - literally one big dump that includes: orderid, item, qty, price, etc.
What *is* missing is a download for orders *placed* (unless I just can't find it), that would be most helpful.
There are two separate downloads - Captain.M, the "orders" download is a list of all orders placed. Then there is a sep download you can select called "order items" which actually lists every single item sold for every order from the orders download.
Maybe the option does exist and I just can't find it.
This place rocks! 😃 👍