Feedback suggestion

As a seller, I must admit I am pretty lazy when it comes to leaving feedback for my buyers.
I find it quite hard to find or to get to and from our side as a seller that isn't a lot that can go wrong.
Can we have an option to leave auto feedback as soon as the customer has paid?


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • You can leave feedback when you pull an order quite easily by clicking the blue Leave Feedback button at the top of the pick list or invoice, just a FYI... :-) If you use a browser such as Chrome that remembers previous entries, you can write a polite feedback note once, and then reuse that note over and over by typing the first character of the note. So it is quite easy, and I would bet your customers would be appreciative! Just a few tips in case that helps, and have a great day!
  • Hit 'all orders' you can see 50 orders at a time and it's clear which you haven't yet left feedback for.

    Use the checkboxes on the left of the screen and you can do all the outstanding ones at once.
  • cheers for the tips! :)
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