Pretty new here and so far business as been great. Seem to have an issue with customers not leaving feedback. For a new seller like me this is a very, very important step in getting off the ground and getting new clients. Most of my buyers seem to be new themselves so they either seem to be just buying and leaving or not really sure how to do the feedback yet... or could just careless as its no affect to them. So i got 2 ways to fix this issue... pretty sure im not the only one to notice this.
#1 (Bit Harsh). If a buyer as over 5 items they have not left feed back for they cant make another purchase till they leave feedback for those items.
#2 (I Prefer This). After a given amount of time... lets say.. 30-60 days. If the buyer has NOT left the seller feedback the seller automatically gets positive feedback for that sell. This is plenty of time for the buyer to make any complaints, or give negative feedback if any issues are found with the purchase.
Sites like this have positive/natural/negative feedback for a reason. Its not just "negative" feedback. people use this for a reason. If you want to explain to the author of this site what he really means with his own site then please start another thread.
I intend to at some point change how the feedback system works so it takes account of orders that have not had any feedback left after a certain period of time. This is on the development list.
If this site does choose to have automated feedback, please make it so buyers can easily distinguish between the real feedback and the automated feedback.
In my opinion this happens, because BO is more a shopping site like amazon or something else and not a community site like BL.
The customers have a look, buy, pay instantly and hope they will get the order soon.
My suggestion is to generate an automatic Email to the customer, who don't left feedback and ask if he was pleased with the order and would like to left feedback.
Amazon also sends me Emails and asks for product feedback, why not here?
(BO: 170 orders 28 FB, BL: 580 orders 480 FB.)
In my opinion this site is different. (Positive) feedback is not as important.
If your customer is not leaving you feedback: Take that as a warning that you need to do more to satisfy them to earn the feedback you desire. How long does it take you to pull and ship an order? Maybe it is taking you too long. Are you filling your orders accurately? If not, what action(s) do you take to satisfy the customer?
When I shop in stores or for products, I look at the reputation or review before ordering. If the reputation is not good; I usually shop in a different store. Yes, it took time to show success, but it was earned by me and I'm proud of my accomplishment. A easily achieved score that is not earned is an empty accomplishment (or rather no accomplishment at all). And it would provide false reassurance for a potential customer that your store is trustworthy of receiving their business.
Lawrence, please leave the feedback system the way it is since, again, it is not broken.
I have bought and sold Lego for 10 years. If you are already getting upset over someone simply giving you advice, then already you have failed and will not be able to run a successful Lego parts business.
Quit now.
I could give you more tips and tricks to get buyers to give you feedback.
But I am done.
Good luck.
"(Bit Harsh). If a buyer as over 5 items they have not left feed back for they cant make another purchase till they leave feedback for those items."
That is simply flat out DUMB.
Sorry I'm not sorry.
Lets make a small site smaller by preventing buyers from buying cause your crappy service was not good enough to receive a positive score. THINK buddy. THINK.
Oh and hello Melissa, I have bought from you a ton off bricklink!
Guess what Eric, she got positive feedback from me every time due to her EXCELLENT SERVICE.
I still think that if stores had the opportunity to include a piece of text in the shipping notification email offering an incentive (coupons) to the customer for marking the order as received and/or leaving feedback the numbers would go up.
I think it is on Lawrence's list but I agree that there are more important things to do first. Ultimately, the less complicated it is to the customer, the more orders (s)he will place.
Not sure how I can make it better other than to ship before the order comes in. I think the feedback is just different here.
My thoughts on a "number or orders" system. What if it says you have 1000 orders in your store and you only have 500 feedback. This will lead people to believe that 500 of your transactions were not good enough to get feedback...
Some people are just busy...forget to do it...we have many people here buying Lego twice a year...
I think its just the way it goes.
Absolute best advice is to make something to put into every order asking the customer in your own nice way to leave you feedback. That is all we can do, I think.
I strongly disagree with the idea of forcing or automating feedback. And an order counter, like I said, can be a negative thing if it far outpaces your feedback. If anything should be done, it is to make it more easy for buyers to leave feedback. I don't think the buyers are so different here than they are on BL. Yet BL buyers leave feedback 80% of the time versus only 20% of the time here on BO. It is not because the buyers are different. It is because BO is different. IMO, it just is not as easy or intuitive how to leave feedback here. And if you don't make it REAL easy, most buyers are not going to bother making the effort. It may also help if the time to leave feedback were more than 60 days.
I am in shock that this is getting so much negative attention. If a user leaves you no feedback then after 2-3 months the system give you auto positive since no complaints where filed... is that really such a terrible idea? How on earth does this also mean "you didnt earn it".. just because the buyer is lazy and don't leave feedback in no way means you worked an less than the user that left you positive feedback. wtf. Actually i had another idea you been complaining about it this whole time. Thats because they just go buy from someone else. Look how many stores are on this site why make a post about it? just go to another store. Whats shocking is sellers complaining about getting feedback they earned. This would also be nice.
Personally, I think it is very insulting to think your buyers are too "lazy" to give you feedback. I also think it is a terrible idea to assume that just because they intentionally or unintentionally do not give you feedback, you automatically "deserve" positive feedback from such buyers.
I always leave feedback first so buyers dont think they will get negative feedback depending on how they rate me... but its ok for you to assume things...
But let's compromise...
I can agree to let sellers opt into receiving automatic feedback *IF* that feedback is neutral. Since we cannot just assume the buyer would have left either positive or negative feedback, let's play it safe and say the buyer felt neutral or meh about the order. If the buyer felt strongly enough one way or the other about the order they would have left feedback, right? So by not leaving feedback they must not really care enough one way or the other. Sounds like a neutral to me.
Move on dude.