No .COM In Store Name

Please dont turn into Bricklink already. Those guys are so anal about every little thing.


  • 9 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • .
  • I understand why this had to be done. You don't want to have a store basically redirecting you to your main store. It is as if you sold on ebay telling people to buy through BO, or vice-versa.
  • It's also confusing to some buyers. "What site am I on again?"
  • I never put my .com in my store name. As long as it still forwards to my BO store page I am happy with that.

  • i just changed my name to dot com by deed poll :(
  • I do understand it, but in a way its kinda like. Most people don't sell legos on their own site but they have a site that's about them. So BO will not loose any money. Plus its your store name, its your identity. BO makes money off your identity just as much as they do theirs. I was really hoping this would be the community site and not so.. "OMG we may loose a view here and there" like BL was. I do understand that BO may feel like they may loose a few bucks here and their. On the other hand though look how much you may gain if you let users make this their home. Keep telling people what they can and cant do down to even what they call their store... Well look whats happening to BL.
  • It's also confusing to some buyers. "What site am I on again?"
    Really? Even though the URL says brickowl and "BRICKOWL" is in massive letters on the top left of EVERY page.
  • Just to clarify, it's not so much a concern about diversion of traffic, but I didn't think it looked very professional for Brick Owl with several stores having website names as their store name. It made it look a bit like stores only set up here to advertise websites, whereas we want customers to feel stores are part of Brick Owl.
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