Payment Upon Checkout and Immediate Automatic Shipping Calculation

edited June 2013 in General Vote Up0Vote Down
I have not placed an order yet, so please forgive me for my ignorance. I just want to make sure of a few things. First, if I am shopping and load up my cart, does hitting the "checkout" button immediately place an order? Or does it bring me to a page for me to verify everything and/or make payment before the order is finally and officially submitted?

Also, unlike BL, does placing an order on this site require immediate payment? If so, I assume shipping will be automatically calculated and included in the total upon checkout.

From the selling side, is there a way to offer buyers the option to have me calculate shipping later and for my buyers to pay later? It is great that we have immediate calculation of shipping before checkout. But there will be some orders where shipping is too much (such as when cheaper Priority Mail flat rate envelopes and boxes can be used).

Again, sorry if this seems obvious to you "veterans" of this new site. I am literally a newborn baby here and just so used to doing things the BL way.


P.S. It would be very helpful if this site had new user tutorials for buyers and sellers.


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