Shipping more than calculated

So I got an order for $0.22 and shipping was more than the buyer was charged, I contacted them (about if they would be willing to pay the extra $ or if they wanted a refund) but they haven't responded... so should I just refund them and cancel the order?! Suggestions anyone?


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • First of all look into why the shipping was not charged correctly and make changes to your shipping settings if needed.
    Making a refund will cost you the PayPal fee, so whatever you do, it will cost you money. And remember that the buyer can't help that shipping was not calculated correctly.
    I don't kno how much more the shipping is costing, but if it is only a few dollars than bite it, send the order out and consider it a lesson learned.
  • Yes, I agree with Baskrie. They placed the order in good faith and paid what was asked, I would honour the order and take the hit. And fix whatever went wrong with the shipping.
  • Thanks, for the info...
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