Order combination minimum order


I just received 4 orders from 1 person over 11 minutes. As each order payment was processed separate via PayPal, I got charged 30p +% for each subsequent order, however the order values were under the £2 store minimum that I have. The first order wasn't.

Each subsequent order was on 1 lot, and 2 of them resulted in 9p after fees and 0p after fees received.

I know there is a combining fee option on the settings, but is there any way to set the minimum order value for the store for combined orders instead?

I have turned off order combining on my store for now.



  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I don't believe the code currently supports what you are asking... the purpose of combining orders is to save on shipping costs and to not having to satisfy another minimum order limit. I do charge a $0.30 order combining fee to address those additional processing costs...

    I have had up to FIVE orders combined from a customer. It was completely innocent - they kept remembering things they forgot to add. ;-)
  • And to be clear on the above, they then had to pay $0.30 times four for the additional four orders on top of the fifth original order. I actually felt bad, as the fee was higher than the item(s) they were adding in some cases, but that is what PayPal charges. :-(
  • Yeah I was thinking it wasn't possible. I do like the combining feature on the site, I've never experienced it with such low add on sales. I may just bite the bullet and charge the 30p

    Thanks for the reply. Engaging as always. :)
  • My pleasure, Bkultima! Hopefully other sellers will chime in their experiences and thoughts. :-)
  • Yes, what @Calibrick said. My combining order fee is 40p.
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