Bricksync questions

I'm looking at options for running bricksync, I used to run it on my laptop but that's becoming an issue. I'm thinking of using a raseberry pi, or an old laptop. My question is can you run two sessions? I use the sort function while parting out and this would be run in a second session. Any ideas on impacts of this?


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Can't be done, bad things will happen. Haven't tried myself but I've heard it will be nasty.
  • Definitely no. BrickSync keeps the master inventory. Two versions being run, even at separate times, will result in two master inventories.
  • Running 2 sessions doing the same thing, isn't good. When the first session handles an order and items are sold out, the 2nd session will see there are thing not in order (when handling the same order) and force a deep sync while assuming the inventory of that session as the master, hence messing up your inventory.

    You could run BS on a separate machine and then using remote desktop to acces that machine and work that way.
    I'm not sure if running BS without credentials in the config would work at all, but that you could give it a try. Looking at the function it will need a uo to date inventory, so probably will not work as you want.
  • I am using 2 PCs, one is my media storage, runs 24/7 and has bricksync running. I shared the directory with the PC I am packing orders and parting out sets, so everything is loaded and saved from there.
    When I have a BSX file ready to do my inventory update, I connect to the media server to run the "add" command.
  • I have a virtual machine running on a NAS. I have installed Ubuntu on the virtual machine and BrickSync is running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Has also the advantage that I can access the session from whatever PC. You have otherwhise also brickpacker (f running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the cloud but you will loose 1% of fee on every order.
  • I can recommend using Microsoft Azure. For 5-10 bucks a month they can have the smallest and simplest virtual windows server up and running 24/7. That's less than you would spend on electricity for the smallest server you can set up.

    Never regretted switching and selling my old Mac Mini.
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