Artbins for storage - recommendations?

Hi folks,
Artbin super satchel storage boxes have been recommended to me as a good way to store everything while also having good access to it. They come in several sizes. Can anyone recommend the best size range to go for?

They are also in very short supply, just now. I started looking in April, which was bad timing because everyone was locked down at home, cleaning out their cupboards and organising, and everywhere had sold out. Some places have some stock, but it seems most stores won't be resupplied until the New Year. Anyone heard differently?



  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I think you can search storage under the discussions and see other storage options... for my smaller parts, I use Akro-Mils bins. While not the cheapest, you can usually find an open box version under Amazon's Warehouse option, as well as at local stores such as Fry's Electronics (in the US, at least). For the teeny parts that are numerous (such as 1x1 round plates), I actually use clear plastic bead sorting boxes, they work great!
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