Naming conventions - Beam or Technic Beam?

e.g. items 32271 and 32009, which should it be?

Actually this isn't just about beams, should items that are Technic have the word Technic at the beginning of their names?
more e.g.s 6536 and 32184


  • 7 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I would support this, it's nice to have all the Technic pieces together in our lists.
  • Take Axles or Gears for example: all of them are Technic parts but none of them has Technic in the name. On the other hand, there are Technic panels which should be named as such, to distinguish them from system panels. Finally, all Lego beams are Technic ones, so there is no need for including Technic in their names. Just my two cents, keep the change.
  • Technic is a theme, like Friends, Classic and Nexo Knights. Parts should be defined by which system they are - either Lego, Duplo, Primo, Modulex or Quattro. Beams, axles, etc. are within the Lego system so are Lego parts not Technic parts.

    I hate the Themed Parts category on BrickOwl - especially the Friends part of it which needlessly separates parts from other categories. I can understand having the Znap, Galidor and a few of the others, but Fabuland? Friends? Belville? I don't get it. Modulex, Primo and Quattro should be in their own category, not stuffed in a nonsensical sub-category under the Lego system.

    There are a tiny amount of sets where parts from different systems appear together (such as Duplo and Primo) but otherwise all parts which are supplied together come from the same system.

    In my opinion it is not necessary to rename a Beam as a Technic Beam. We already have a category specifically for Technic Beams, and most (if not all) of them are classified as belonging to the Technic theme.

    I think there are bigger battles worth winning, such as sorting out Constraction - parts are spread across Large Figure, Technic, Hero Factory and Bionicle categories.
  • To be clear, I'm not suggesting it should be one way or the other, but I would just like them to be consistent. I was about to request some of these to be changed in the catalog and wanted to check which way to go.
  • @Mrs Swoop I fully agree. A few weeks ago I started a thread on consistency in naming minifig parts, but it obviously isn't a priority issue here.
  • I'm of a mind with Hoddie, for what it's worth - and if we use themes, it should compliment the item in lists and search (e.g., shows up in both lists). I was trying to find a minifig knife the other day and it ended up being under Friends instead of Minifig accessories, which makes zero sense to me - I should find that part under the category of minifig accessories and if appropriate ALSO the theme of Friends. :-)
  • I agree about the themed items, I've never understood why some items get categorised as a Themed Part instead of what it actually is. There's a Basket which is the same sort of thing that @Calibrick described, it's a minifig accessory but it's listed as a Friends Themed Part, even thought it's also used in Disney and Harry Potter sets, amongst others.
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