Minimum Quantity for Lots

What would you think about a minimum quantity setting for lots? Similar to bulk quantity, but instead of having to order the part in multiples, buyers just need to order at least so many. You could also make it a minimum price amount, such as 10 cents. We discussed lot limits before, but if you made a minimum setting on the lot level, it wouldn't be any more confounding to buyers than the already used bulk quantity.

This would be helpful to me because I don't mind so much if someone orders, for instance, 11 Technic pins, but I'd prefer they order at least 10. It would also be a lot less frustrating to buyers who get errors because of bulk quantities when they're only off by one or two, but would otherwise have satisfied the minimum.



  • 8 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added

  • I was going to bring up in another thread - however this fits here - some folks don't comprehend "bulk quantity"

    ie a lot of 2 parts sold as "bulk" of 2 - I had a fella keep assuming he would get a total of 4 parts, fortunately he asked before buying, and he finally got it, this would further confound those who don't "get it"

    In the example you give this fella would have assumed he would get 110 (i.e. 11 lots of 10)

    however, there could be some instruction "for dummies"!
  • That's probably because I didn't do a very good job of explaining it. The way bulk appears in a store in the In Stock column is like this:

    252 (x10)

    With a minimum buy, it would look something like this:

    252 (min. buy 10)

    Or even just put "min. 10" next to the quantity box.
  • Yes, I know what you mean, @Loremonger and it is something I've wished a fix for here & on BL.
  • I'm bumping this so that it does not fall into complete obscurity.
  • It's something to consider, but it seems tier pricing would deal with this, high price for low quantity, lower price for higher quantity. I do understand tier price is a pain, one day I will make some tools to make it easier to do in bulk.
  • Thing is.

    Say, I want to sell, at least, 2$ per lot. If I have a low value part, I could set it up so the minimum amount to purchase was the value for 2$, and from there I don't care how much you want to purchase.

    IE say I had 100 hinges at 0.1 ea. I would have to set a bulk amount of 20, to sell at least 2$. But if someone needs 30, he would have to buy 40, when I don't really care, as long as it is over 20.

    And higher prices with lower tier wouldn't stop it, and would get your store way down the price staircase...
  • edited January 2014 Vote Up0Vote Down
    I have a preference for allowing customers to purchase what they want, but charging them accordingly. As opposed to limiting what they can do.

    Price distortion is an issue, I may consider displaying bulk lots different on the price sorting in future so that all methods (tier/bulk) are treated equally.
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