Option to send content of a 'page' with the order shipment email

Dear all,

I propose the following:

Add an option (which each seller can enable or not) for a 'page' to add its content (maybe as pdf) to the order shipment email. This feature could be used to send the sellers terms and cancellation policy to the customer (as it is required by German law).

Best wishes


  • 8 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Required by EU law! But there's nothing to stop you sending that information via BO message.
  • Is it really EU law that you have to send the terms and cancellation policy with the order?
    As far as I know it is only required to have them (easy to find) on your website (or store pages) and on request should be send to the buyer.
    If indeed they should be send, then a lot of shops are in violation, even Lego itself, they only provide a link to the policy in the order mail.
  • right, the German law is based on the EU law, so normally every seller in EU should take advantage of this. Sending that info via BO message is only a work-around (which AFAIK cannot be easily automated) of the nicer solution, as I hope to have suggested.
  • A link to the store terms at the order email and in a checkbox at checkout wouldn't suffice?
  • No. EU law requires online retailers to notify customers of their legal right to cancel, and the consequences of doing so, at least twice - once before checkout is completed, and once after. The usual method would be to include it in your terms, and then in the order confirmation email. Some EU states have set their own additional requirements, and Germany may be one of them.
  • In Germany it required. But my suggestion gives the seller the OPTION to use this feature or not. E. g. a 'private' seller from Germany may not use this.
  • I think this is a good idea
  • edited November 2023 Vote Up0Vote Down
    I've been thinking about this suggestion. Would it be suitable to have somewhere in your store settings, that you can enter a large amount of text. This text would be attached as a plain text file onto every order shipment email. So you could include in this text file the terms to comply with German legislation.

    We prefer this to the complexity of rendering a PDF and attaching that to the emails
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