I received my first order with Stripe as the payment method. Everything went smooth aside from one issue. Part of my shipping process on International Orders requires an email address so I can send the customer an automated email with relative shipping information and instructions. Brick Owl for some reason does not give the seller the buyer's email address. To this point it has not been a problem as I just get it from the PayPal payment, no big deal. With Stripe payments it is a big deal, as they don't show the email address either. The issue I am having is in my attempt to find the customers email address via the payment on my Stripe.com dashboard I captured the payment manually not knowing that it did it on its own when I clicked "shipped" in Brick Owl. So now that I have the package here bagged and tagged and headed out the door I cant click ship as I get this error message,
*Error changing status: Order already processed
I suppose that now that they are integrated by clicking the shipping button you are also doing the same as capturing the funds on the stripe end. So my two questions are,
1.) How can I get my order to show shipped now?
2.) Can you add a section in the order details somewhere with the buyers email address so we have it available if it isn't available via the payment option?
2. We purposely don't show e-mail addresses on the website so that all messages use the messaging system. This is for dispute resolution so all messages are available if a dispute arises, and to reduce the issue of messages not being dealt with if some people use the messaging system and some people use direct e-mail. It also reduces the possibility of unsolicited messages.
What kind of information is it you want added to the shipment e-mail?