Would anyone be able to provide a build instruction for DUPLO sets no. 2688 (doctors cabinet) & 2780 (house)?
Furthermore I also have a zoo (white floor board with different levels & green/blue colors added) and airport (of which control tower glasses are completely in plexi) of which I could not trace the Duplo set no. but for which I'm also trying to get hold of original building instructions.
Item 593400 is a multi-level Duplo baseplate with green and white print, it comes in a few sets, 9191 is the most like a zoo. I don't believe this set came with instructions either but I might be wrong, I've never actually had this one.
Set 2679 is a Duplo airport with control tower. I don't know whether this would have had instructions, but I doubt it given its relative simplicity.
There may also be a Dacta airport that uses Duplo pieces.