How is there money to be made with item prices like 0.001 euro?

E.g. item 2780 in black as (one of) the most wanted items, it takes to sell 1,000 to get paid just 1 euro...
Where is the profit in that? Selling 1,000,000? Who will buy that amount?

Clearly I'm new to (potentially) selling new modern items in bulk, so this is puzzling me. Wondering too if there are sellers willing to enlighten me :wink: needless to say I will for sure appreciate that :smile:


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • There's about a 2-year supply of those items already available for sale, so some stores consider them almost worthless and set their prices accordingly.
  • Th'x, that confirms my thoughts on these parts. I'm looking at other most wanted parts too, and its more or less the same.

    Looking further down the list getting to 3004 in black it looks a lot better, avg price about 0.08 and just a little more than half a year supply...
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