In-State tax exemption

In-state B2B transactions should be tax exempt - I was going to purchase from another business seller in TN, but found that sales tax would be applied, why?

How do I fix it? - or @Lawrence is this something you need to sort out

I ended up buying "elsewhere"

Thanks G


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • @admin @Lawrence
  • if i'm right lawrence is busy with the tax profile and so on
  • I wasn't aware of that concept, would you be able to let me know how tax exemptions work in your case/state?
  • You would have to provide the seller full documentation for them to be relieved of collecting sales tax. The seller would not be this site but the stores you purchase from. I don't see how this site could be used to make such tax-free purchases without a lot of complexity.
  • Implementing these kind of tax exemptions is incredibly time-consuming and is only valuable in a handful of cases. Why didn't you just contact the seller? If another EU business wants to buy tax exempt from me I just give them a 21% coupon.
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