Simplifying shipping options

I'm currently redesigning my shipping policy (yes, even lower prices are coming!) and I've run into an issue.

For the sake of simplicity I would like to offer the customer just 2 options when checking out: Tracked or untracked shipping.

However when a potential customer orders something small it will qualify for both letter and parcel shipping giving the customer 4 options:
Untracked letter
Tracked letter
Untracked parcel
Tracked parcel

I'm afraid this might be confusing and thus would lead to car abandonment.

One way to do this would be the ability to set minimum size for parcels. But to complicate matters even further sometimes it's cheaper to ship a tracked parcel to a country than a tracked envelope. So setting a minimum size wouldn't always work.

What I would like would be the ability to group shipping options together and have the system show only the cheapest option to the customer.

In my case I would make 2 groups: Tracked and Untracked shipping

So my tracked group would contain:
Rates for tracked letters per zone (EU/World)
Rates for tracked parcels per zone (EU/World)
Specific tracked rates for specific country's (Netherlands, Belgium, US, Canada, etc.)

When a customer places an order he'll simply choose between tracked or untracked and the system will pick the appropriate shipping option.

Would it be possible to implement this into BrickOwl? I'm quite sure it would decrease cart abandonment by simplifying the options and that's a good thing for every seller on here :-)


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I'm not sure.. The buyer does not always want the cheapest option, depending on what the options are. That said, I'd like to see more flexibility in setting up and setting pricing for the options. Each country have their own mailing options and rates and on top of that they change frequently too so I'm not sure some general auto decision system will work well.

    Mix VAT into it and it gets even more complicated. For example, having to remember to include VAT for a shipping quote too a country where VAT does not apply is a big pain in the rear. And if a shipping quote is mentioned in a message to that buyer then I have to remember to NOT include VAT in that sentence. As you can imagine, this is ripe for mistakes and misunderstandings.

    So in short, I'd like to see more flexibility in how these things can be set up. There are other areas where I'd like more flexibility too but I just don't see that happening.
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